| By drg. Nurul Chayati
1. Menyikat gigi bagi pasien yang sedang melakukan perawatan gigi kosmetik khususnya kawat gigi tentu sangat menyulitkan. Simak video berikut ini agar dapat membantu dalam merawat kesehatan gigi & mulut anda..
2.Keeping clear braces clear requires getting the O-bands changed out once a month, brushing with hydrogen peroxide and brushing with a baking soda paste. Avoid a yellow tinge to clear braces by keeping them clean with tips from a licensed dental assistant in this free video on oral hygiene.
3. This is a slideshow of pictures taken once or twice a month during a treatment using Powerprox "Six Month" braces (google the term for more info on this type of braces treatment). I'm a 29 year old woman, who never had braces before. As you can tell from the colors of the ligs in the pictures, I decided to have fun with my braces. I'd posted several videos at various stages in my treatment before, but this is basically from the day before my braces were put on through my de-banding date. It's worth noting that I am currently wearing a retainer 24-7 (less mealtimes and cleaning times), and there was some minimal "clean up" type movement that was accomplished through the retainer. Still, you get the effect here. Keep in mind that these pictures were taken by me in a mirror. The pics weren't professional, and lighting and lip position both vary greatly as a result. Point being, look at the position of the teeth relative to each other and relative to the archwire more than relative to my lips/mouth.
4. Direct Bonding Upper Sectional Wire
5. Video de Implantes Dentales, te invito a que veas mis videos favoritos.
6. Cara memasang gigi "IMPLANT"
7. oot canal treatment using surgical microscope
8. Gum was filling the Decay.
9. This is a ridge splitting technique using piezosurgery.
10. Learn how Bryant & Junge Prosthodonitcs, the recognized leaders in cosmetic, restorative and implant dentistry, are transforming smiles
11. Teeth In An Hour surgery with perfect results. Pre-operative and post-operative interviews. Surgery video
12. Esthetic Professionals - Dental Education Center